A Beautiful Shop!



I received an invite the other day to visit a new website set up by an artisan on Etsy. The website is beautiful and I thought I would share this lovely new shop. It is definitely a specialised shop for high couture miniature dolls, the clothes are exquisite and its not hard to see how much work has gone into creating these wonderful miniatures!





Miniature Orphanage


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Last year one of my lovely customers completed two beautiful dollhouses set in WW2 one a pharmacy and the other a nurses house who looks after soldiers. Her new project is an orphanage and I made six miniature children’s coats last year for her project.



Gabriella has kindly sent me some photos of how it is coming on and I wanted to share these as the orphanage is so lovely, very authentic and made by a talented lady.





A Memorial Project


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A couple of days ago I received a lovely message and photos from one of my customers and it made my day! A few weeks ago Gabriella asked if I could add the Star of David to a stripy jacket and trouser outfit I had in my shop, this is not the usual custom request so I wanted to find out more! I think her project is amazing and I would like to share what a great job she has done. Below is the house of Evelin, she is a nurse and looks after the soldiers when they come back from the war.





I think you would agree when I say the house looks absolutely beautiful!! A lot of time and effect must have gone into it and the end result is wonderful. There are two doll houses one which is Evelin’s home and the other a pharmacy, both are decorated lovely for Christmas.




Gabriella explained to me that her inspiration came from visiting little towns in the UK and especially Yorkshire when she visited the Bronte sister’s house and a memorial day where people dressed in clothes from that period. The dollhouses are a lovely tribute to all the soldiers who fought in the war.

Christmas is coming!


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Christmas is not far away now, I’m going to my first christmas market next Sunday and the only way for me to get Christmassy this early is to make some crafts. So I bought some red felt and with some inspiration from my lovely poinsettia sitting on my hearth and some help from the Internet I have made my first christmas cushion.


My next project are knitted baubles, I am very new to knitting and have only just learnt how to increase and decrease the stitches but I am setting myself a target. There are 55 different styles on baubles in the book and I would like to make 10 by christmas to decorate my tree with. Number two is in progress so fingers crossed my tree will look pretty at christmas!


Miniatura Show!



Today I went to the Miniatura show at the NEC, i was really looking forward to it and it definately didn’t disappoint!

The first thing we saw was this amazing dolls house street party, so much time and detail had gone into it. Each house represented a different era and all of them were celebrating the Jubilee. There must have been 14 houses put together like a terreced street, it was brilliant I haven’t seen anything like it before! It must have take ages to set up.

There were stalls for everything you can think of. Alot of dolls houses tend to be in a victorian style but there was alot of different themes and styles such as a thatched cottage, a tudor pub, a haunted house and a house that looked like it was out of Lord Of The Rings. There was also dolls houses of all shapes and sizes, some that were about the same size as my front room!

I got alot of inspiration for my own creations walking around the minitura show and now with my sewing machine all fixed I can get cracking. There were three or four great stalls for trimmings and material for creating costumes, hats and parasols. I got loads of trimmings and a lovely mannequin to display my miniature clothes. It was a great day, alot of beautiful and intricate miniatures and I will definately will be back next year!

A Broken Sewing Machine….


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Last night I was busy making a little black cape when all of a sudden my sewing machine made this awful noise and jammed. I took the bobbin out and cleaned where I could but it was still getting stuck, I think it is due for a service but I have been putting it off for a while because I’ve got all these little projects I want to be getting on with. I have just finished making a brown cape with a black lining with a little red ribbon sewn around the collar; it will be added to my Etsy shop tonight!

I have been busy buying lots of little trimmings off Ebay today, I only went on to get some ribbon and ended up buying some lace and other bits and bobs so I’m looking forward to them coming through the post.




So hopefully once my sewing machine is fixed and the trimmings arrive I will have three miniature capes made for three different occasions.

A day at the market

A night at the Ball

Picture coming soon…

A stroll in the park

Picture coming soon…

A Day At Chatsworth


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At the end of July my boyfriend took me for my birthday to my favourite place in Derbyshire. It was a beautiful day the sun was shining, children and adults (including us) were playing in the cascade fountain and everyone was enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

Before we went I had watched the mini series of how Chatsworth is run and the daily running of the estate. I had been to Chatsworth a couple of years ago with my sister and really enjoyed it. I love period properties and the history is fascinating but after watching the series I wanted to go again because I didn’t realise how much goes on behind the scenes. For example when walking into the dining room all the silver sparkles, the table is laid out beautifully and the size of it is very impressive but this time I could appreciate how long it took two ladies to iron the table cloth and how long it took to lay the silver out. It just amazes me how they used to do thing like that in the Victorian times and before that without electricity.

Chatsworth is great because they don’t just show the same things year after year, they open up different parts of the house and show different collections they have gathered over the generations.

This time with the Jubilee this year they showed the robes that were worn at the coronation and letters from the Queen. The robes that are in the pictures have been worn to three coronations over the years and are so beautiful.

Other period clothes from different eras were also displayed which gave me inspiration for some miniatures!






I loved walking round the house and the grounds too, Chatsworth has just under gone some work which involved a 14million pound project which included restoring the original gold gilding around the windows and doors which glistens in the sunlight.

It was a fun filled sunny day which gave me lots of ideas for my miniature projects!

Buttons Galore!


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Today I have been trying to create miniature button cards. My Aunty gave me a few original real sized ones a few years ago and I came across them the other day. I love the vintage style I think it is a beautiful way of displaying buttons.

I am going to buy a Victorian Dolls House Clothes shop soon and have started making things to go inside. I thought I might attempt a couple of button cards and some posters. My first try didn’t go very well as you can see in the picture on the left, so I tried again and I’m quite please with the finished result.

What do you think?

                       These can now be found in my Etsy shop!

Newbie Blogger!

Hi my name is Ellise and I am from Nottingham, I have a passion for sewing and love miniatures. I have been interested in dolls houses since I was a little girl and it still amazes me how detailed and colourful miniatures are!

At college I studied textiles and combined my love for miniatures to produce mini dolls clothes. I first started making them when my sister and I bought a dolls house between us and from then on Stuck In The Mudd Minis was born and I now have a shop on Etsy.

This is my first ever blog so you will have to bare with me, I am still learning my way around and trying to make time for it whilst juggling a full time job and making miniatures. I wanted to create a blog to share ideas and get more people talking about miniatures.

I am so excited its nearly time for the Miniatura International Dolls House Show at the NEC in Birmingham, I have two tickets for Sunday 23rd show and I will be dragging my boyfriend round with me. He kindly offered to go with me so I don’t have to go on my own. There will be lots of photos to follow soon of all the beautiful miniatures at the show!

Here are a couple of new minis, I hope that my designs and creations in my shop will inspire you with your own dolls house and will help to create the dolls house you dreamed of.

Please feel free to share your own ideas and creations and hopefully we will be able to inspire each other!